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When your application and environment demands reliable performance and detection in the UV spectrum, you should consider the Det-Tronics X2200.
Det-Tronics X2200


Multiple Communication Protocols
0-20 mA, relay, Modbus, HART, FDT®/DTM and Eagle Quantum Premier® (EQP) safety system
Diagnostic LED
Local alarm and simple fault identification
Large Capacity Event Log Storage
1,500 events
Copper-free aluminum or 316 stainless steel


  • Optical Integrity (oi®) performs automatic fail-safe checks every 60 seconds
  • Heated optics for maximum performance in adverse environments
  • Data logger with event time and date stamping (1500 events)
  • Can meet NFPA 15 Ultra-High-Speed requirements (when properly configured and used in an EQP/HSDM safety system)