CALGARY, ALBERTA - Spartan Controls is pleased to announce the official launch of its new Advanced Steam Testing Services that will assist companies in complying with the Alberta Boiler Safety Association (ABSA) AB-524 regulations.
Located within Spartan’s Edmonton facility, the Advanced Steam Test service provides differentiated ABSA compliant steam testing for Pressure Safety Valves (PSVs) as new assemblies, repair and re-certification. The two test stands, measuring 10” and 4”, have the ability to test relief valves up to 3000 PSI at 710 degrees Fahrenheit, the highest pressure capability in the market.
Although ABSA traditionally accepted the use of air as a test medium with a manufacturers supplied correction factor for steam process media applications, the regulation has recently changed to align with other North American regulatory bodies. It is now mandated that any Pressure Relief Device in steam service must be set and certified using steam as a test media, making this new addition to Spartan’s full breadth of services essential.
“The investment in a high pressure steam boiler and high pressure steam test bay will allow us to continue to provide complete service to our customers,” said Eric Matson, Manager of Farris Pressure Management, a division of Spartan Controls. “At Spartan we continually grow and adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs. This investment strives to provide full capability of services for our customers.”
The reliability of PSV’s in the field is extremely important and is essential to protecting plant assets, people and the environment. PSVs are required to be certified when entering the field, when a plant upset occurs and in regular maintenance intervals.
“Our dual test stands and full time availability of the Advanced Steam Testing services will allow for faster turnaround and recertification, providing reduced downtime and improved production by our customers,” said Matson