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Steam Service
The reliability of PSVs in the field is essential to protecting plant assets, people and the environment.

The reliability of PSVs in the field is essential to protecting plant assets, people and the environment.

To assist companies in complying with the Alberta Boiler Safety Association (ABSA) AB-524 regulations, Spartan Controls has invested in a steam testing facility for ASME section VIII and Section I steam service safety valves.

Located within Spartan's Edmonton facility, the steam test stand provides differentiated ABSA compliant steam testing for pressure safety valves (PSVs) as new assemblies and repair re-certification.

The two test stands test up to 3,000 PSI. PSVs are required to be certified when entering the field, when a plant upset occurs, and in regular maintenance intervals.

Our dual test stands and full-time availability of our steam testing services allows faster turnaround and re-certification resulting in reduced downtime and increased production for plant operators.